All trademark and copyright concerning are the property of their respective owners. If you have a concern or feel there is a direct copyright or trademark violation that does not fall within 'fair use' guidelines, please contact us directly to discuss. All characters, locations, and images of game logos are the property of their respective owners, and usage in this guide falls within guidelines of 'fair use'. Saints row 2 ps3 cheats respect this game cheats app can be used as saints row 2 cheats for ps3, saints row 2 cheats for xbox and saints row 2 cheats for xbox, also as saints row 2 cheats for pc. This app contains hundreds saint row 2 cheats. The guide is intended purely to assist players, and is intended to be used alongside the games. Juega al menos 2 horas como personaje masculino y 2 horas como femenino. Consigue tu primer tiro en la entrepierna y tu primer homicidio testicular. Roba y entrega todos los objetivos de robo de vehículos. Ten un clímax de realidad: Mata a todos los objetivos de asesinato. Ve hacia la luz: Completa todos los episodios de "Batalla de tanques". Completa todos los episodios de "Rastro llameante". Dosis doble de chuleo: Completa todos los episodios de "Chuleo". Tu asiento trasero huele raro: Completa todos los episodios de " Escolta". Muerte del perista Completa todos los episodios de "Caos".

Y la dinamita explota: Completa todos los episodios de "Asalto aéreo". It may take a few hours but then you permanently have it.Ĭompleta todos los episodios de "Fraude al seguro". There is none, however there is a semi-fast way to get infinite respect which is by getting X99 respect. Trucos de Saints Row: The Third para PS3Ĭheats For Saints Row 2. Well i need that cheat i have it for xbox if that helps. Initially Volition wanted to simply port Saints Row 2 to the PSP, but after a while the project story missions to complete, along with the usual SR side activities to earn respect points. mode because you can fire it continously in any direction also the cheats are the best compared to most other games. Cheats for saints row the third xbox infinite. Cheats in Saints Row: The Third | Saints Row Wiki | FANDOM powered Saints Row 2 Cheats Respect Ps3.